Vans come under scrutiny from lack of safety checks
30th Aug 2022
According to the DVSA 89% of vehicles stopped by their partners (Avon & Sommerset Police, Bristol City Council and HMRC) in Bristol at the beginning of August were found to be dangerous.
Defects included illegal tyres, suspension, load security and weight, lights and sever corrosion. More concerning is that these vehicles were found operating in and around residential areas posing a risk to the local community and road users.
What’s more is that the majority of these defects could have easily been identified through a daily vehicle safety walk around check which would include the following:
- Lights
- Brakes
- Bodywork and doors
- Load and weight
- Tow bars and tail lights
- Exhaust
- Fluids, fuel and oil
- Tyres and wheels
- Battery
- Seats and seatbelts
- Mirrors and glass
- Washers and wipers
- Horn and steering
You can find all details and guidance from the DVSA on van walk around checks here.
Every day, hundreds of operators use subscription-based SaaS service, SmartCheck, to make sure their vehicles are up to the required safety standards and compliant with DVSA regulations. We work with fleets and transport companies to save them money by ensuring trucks are inspected daily and any faults logged and communicated with maintenance to ensure any incident or larger fault is avoided. While this information is essential for fleet managers to keep their drivers safe and reduce costs, it's never been more accessible now than now!