Police start seven day speed enforcement operation from today.

Posted by AndrewT on 20th Aug 2012

A week-long speed enforcement operation, co-ordinated by The European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL) with the support of 27 countries across Europe started on Mon 20 August 2012.

The operation includes both static speed detection and roadside officer intervention. It is a key part of TISPOL’s strategy to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on Europe’s roads.

Excessive speeding is reported to be a leading cause of road accidents in young people aged between 18 and 25.

TISPOL president Pasi Kemppainen “Driving too fast is dangerous – potentially fatal. This applies whether you are exceeding a specific speed limit or driving at a speed that may be at or below the limit, but is inappropriate for the circumstances. The faster you drive, the higher your risk of being responsible for a collision, in which innocent road users might lose their lives or sustain permanent disability.

“Wise drivers of any age choose their speeds with care and with consideration to others. Those who choose otherwise can expect to receive penalties. Police officers enforce the law because they know that lives will be saved.”

Commercial drivers stopped for speeding could also face questions relating to their drivers' hours which regularly tops the offences reported by VOSA.

With the unpredictable weather in the UK it is recommended that all drivers respect the speed limits and the conditions on the roads at all times.