Have your say on revisions to the Driver CPC directive
Posted by AndrewT on 14th Feb 2017
The Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC) is a qualification for professional bus, coach and lorry drivers. It was introduced across Europe a number of years ago with the aim of improving road safety maintaining high standards of driving. All drivers need to complete 35 hours of periodic training every five years on an ongoing basis to keep driving for a living.
Feedback from drivers attending CPC training is mixed to say the least with time in attendance of training rather than outcome of it being the key measure. Unsurprisingly the Driver CPC directive is now being revised by the European Commission. The proposals which affect CPC training will preventing a repeat of training courses during a periodic training cycle, include road safety in at least one training session and allow other elements of training to be included (e.g. disability awareness, dangerous goods and animal transportation).
In summary the changes are:
1. The list of exemptions for drivers who do not have to hold a Driver CPC;
2. Updating the content of the Initial Qualification;
3. Changes to the periodic training content, and method of delivery
4. Clarifying the minimum ages for driving a bus or lorry when holding a Driver CPC.
The Documents have been published on the EUs website and can be accessed here:
Find out more about the directive and have your say by filling out the simple survey by Tuesday 28 February 2017.