DVSA issue new guidance on HGV walkaround checks

Posted by AndrewT on 25th Oct 2019

Driver vehicle safety checks are essential for road safety. It has been reported that around 80% of roadside prohibitions could have been avoided if an effective walkaround vehicle safety check had taken place. In 2018/19 the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) issued 35,744 prohibitions following roadside mechanical checks. Tyre condition, brake systems, steering, lamps, indicators and hazard warning lamps were amongst the top 10 reasons HGV and PSVs were prohibited at the roadside. The DVSA have now announced improvements to its HGV walkaround driver vehicle safety check guidance. A new video has been created to help HGV drivers carry out these daily walkaround vehicle safety checks. The video provides a walkaround diagram, what to look for and provides a good reminder for all drivers. You can view the video at www.gov.uk. HGV operators looking for assurance that driver vehicle safety checks have been conducted should take a look at Descartes SmartCheck, a new mobile app for vehicle safety checks. It records the location, time and duration of the check and reports the results of the checks in near real-time so that corrective actions can be taken in a timely fashion. Find out more.