DVSA’s Annual Review and 5-year strategy

Posted by AndrewT on 15th Aug 2018

The latest Annual Review from the DVSA sets out some of the work the agency will be doing in 2018-19 and reports on highlights from 2017-18.
  • 278,000 roadside vehicle checks carried out
  • £3,900,000 in revenue collected from fixed penalties
  • 388 emissions cheat devices found fitted to large vehicles
  • 56 organisations awarded DVSA earned recognition founder-member status
Looking ahead it is clear to see a focus on roadworthiness with walk-around vehicle checks and improving drivers’ hours compliance. Walk-around checks Carrying out daily walkaround checks of large vehicles is a vital part of a making sure vehicles are safe to drive and maintaining roadworthiness. Drivers need to be able to identify and report any defects or signs of defects that could affect their vehicle’s safety. The DVSA will be improving their guidance for drivers on how to carry out these important safety checks and create new videos that show what to do. The DVSA will also use social media to regularly remind drivers about the walkaround checks they need to do, highlighting the guidance that’s available to them. Descartes Mobile Driver Vehicle Safety Check solution – SmartCheck, will be available in the autumn. Data from vehicle checks are captured digitally in real time. Eliminating the delays and inaccuracies of rekeying data from paper-based vehicle check books. If you would like early information about SmartCheck please email servicedesk@descartes.com. Drivers’ hours In 2016, the DVSA reported that driving while tired was a factor in 61 accidents involving lorries and buses. Almost 25% of injuries caused by accidents involving lorries are fatal or serious. Despite the risks and the penalties, the DVSA still find large numbers of drivers who are willing to drive more hours than they legally should. The DVSA will conducting behavioural research to understand why some large vehicle drivers take the risk of driving over their hours so that a campaign can be created to change the behaviour of drivers that exceed drivers’ hours limits. If you need help in managing tachograph data and drivers’ hours see Smartanalysis, tachograph analysis and compliance management Software as a Service, £40 per driver per year or less if you commit to a 2-5 year subscription.