Earned Recognition - What, why and how from the DVSA

Posted by AndrewT on 1st Feb 2019

Descartes had the pleasure of having Roger Dent from the DVSA present at our Partner Event in January. Roger's presentation on the DVSA's Earned Recognition scheme covered:
  • Why Earned Recognition
  • Applying for Earned Recognition
  • Criteria for Earned Recognition
  • Audits
  • KPIs required
  • Key contacts at DVSA for more information
If you are interested in Earned Reconition you can download the presentation here. Staples Vegetables were the first operator in the UK to achieve Earned Recognition and they did so using KPIs from Smartanalysis. You can now take advantage to the Earned Recognition KPIs in Smartanalysis before you start the process with the DVSA to get a measure of how you are doing before any application or audit for Earned Recognition. Anyone interested in Earned Recognition KPIs from Smartanalysis should contact servicedesk@descartes.com.