Descartes launches e-consent to speed up the process for checking driving licences
Posted by AndrewT on 30th Oct 2015
Gaining consent from a driver to allow licence checking is now a quick and simple 2-step electronic process with SmartLicence.
Since the abolition of the paper driving licence paper counterpart in June 2015 driving licence details must be verified online against the DVLA database. In order to access a driver’s licence details using a commercial licence verification service such as SmartLicence, a D796 Mandate form needed to be signed by the driver. Getting paper forms signed can introduce significant delays in initiating the licence checks.
Existing Smartanalysis, tachograph analysis customers using SmartLicence can improve the speed and accuracy of paper mandates with pre-filled forms which can be obtained by using the new Driver Licence D796 Driver Mandate report.
However, to make the whole process much quicker and easier, users of the Descartes SmartLicence service can take advantage of a new e-Consent feature to provide consent by the driver electronically. Consent for licence checks in accordance with the requirements of the DVLA can be done in a matter of minutes using e-Consent. Licences can then be checked using the instant check facility and scheduled for regular automatic checks depending on the risk profile of the driver.
Click here if you would like further information or a quote for licence checks for your drivers.
Existing SmartLicence can get all the information on how e-Cosent works in the online User Guide or by contacting the Descartes Service Desk on 01249 463355 or email