Do we need more Police Officers dedicated to Traffic enforcement?

Posted by AndrewT on 19th Feb 2015

According to the RAC the number of Police Officers dedicated to enforcing traffic offences in England and Wales has been cut by 1,279 (23%) in the last five years.  43 forces reduced their Traffic Officers from 5,635 at the end on March 2010 to 4,356 in 2014. This reduction is equivalent to five fewer officers each week! Some of biggest reductions were in Devon and Cornwall - 76%, Essex - 71%, Nottinghamshire - 68%, Wiltshire - 47% and Avon and Somerset and Dorset forces both reduced their traffic functions by 39% each. Only two forces, Suffolk and Warwickshire have increased their Traffic Officer count in this time. Recent research conducted for the RAC found that 60% of motorists now think there are insufficient numbers of Police Officers on our roads to enforce the law.  40% of drivers questioned believe anyone committing offences such as texting at the wheel will more than likely get away with it. The recent rises in the number of deaths and injuries on our roads may be a consequence of the reduction in Traffic Officers and reliance on speed cameras which are good at enforcing speed limits but do nothing for bad driver behaviour. So what do you think? Do we have too few Traffic Officers, too many or is number about right? Source - Fleet News Feb 2015.